Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What Should Be Done In Abu Dhabi To Make People More Aware Of Global Warming?

I think that global warming is something that everyone should be concerned about, because it's an issue that will affect our environment and the generations after us. So we need the people first to know what is global warming and what it can cause to our earth and us, and how did global warming begin or what increases global warming rates? With this knowledge people can resist it and do something that benefits their environment.

I think that wallpapers and basic advertisement ways will not be affective on people. For example, everyone looks at the advertisements that talks about” stop smoking and get a healthier life”, but smokers look at it carelessly and continue smoking. For that reason we need advertisements that include short movies, charts, numbers, pictures of polluted places and facts about what have we done. So to give people the chance to look of what they did to earth and at what rate did our polluting reached. Also we can create an organization that welcomes people to sign up for an agreement for the people who want to participate to live in clean earth and give the people who participated a name and lead and guide them to the right way of living. And when the numbers of participations of this organization increase, it can talk loudly to people around the emirates and can take some serious decisions if there are participations that work in good jobs or responsible about something that affects the environment such as the municipality or the sewerage service department. And by that way we can force the government to deal with some major issues that affects the environment badly, especially if we reached 50% or 60% of participations of the population in Abu Dhabi.

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