Monday, May 26, 2008

the ten guiding principles

Zero carbon: trying to decrease the carbon footprint emission of the world and zero emission of the city.

Zero waste: means recycling all the main materials and elements and reuse them in other useful things.

Sustainable transport: use clean vehicles technology that helps in decreasing the pollution and global warming.

Local and sustainable materials: trying to use local materials to benefit the community and environments.

Local and sustainable food: using locally gown food decreasing pollution that occurs from transportation and importing.

Sustainable water: supplying water locally with environment friendly way and meeting the WWF standards.

Natural habitats and wildlife: widen the natural areas that include nature resources to increase the biodiversity of the wildlife.

Culture and heritage: Masdar city will be built with a local design to decrease temperature and make a shade.

Equity and fair-trade: fair trading governments to create the equity and insure a fair and stable life for everyone.

Health and happiness: people in Masdar city will have a healthier life because it's pollution free area.

I think that Masdar will not do some of them 100%. I think they will do sustainable transport, zero carbon and sustainable water. But they can't do a city with a zero waste and local sustainable materials and foods and equity.

The goals of the One Planet Living Programme:
1. Build a world-wide network of One Planet Living Communities and other exemplary projects to demonstrate One Planet Living in action.

2. Establish One Planet Living Centres in each One Planet Living community as a focus for education.

3. Promote the imperative for One Planet Living and its guiding principles to catalyse change with governments, business and individuals.

One planet communities:
Jin Shan (china), Sibaya (South Africa), OPL London project (UK), Meadowbrook Montreal (North America)

The officially endorsed one planet communities:
Sonoma mountain village / Mata de sesimbra / one gallions and one drighton

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