Saturday, May 24, 2008

2.55 planets to support me

Global warming issue is becoming as serious problem in this century and everyone should look at his actions and life style and look how many carbons he is producing. In this essay I'll talk about my carbon footprint and state some solutions.

There are several problems in my life style that increases my carbon footprint. The first problem is the food, we depends sometimes on imported food that needs a lot of energy and burning oil to be available in the UAE markets. For example the rice, most of the emaratis depends on rice as a main food at their lunches. The second problem is the transportations, a lot of people cannot live without a car, and also don't travel by public busses or another clean vehicles. The last problem is turning on the unneeded and not efficient stuff, most of the carbon footprints per person in the UAE came from the air conditioning and that why the UAE has got the highest rate of carbon footprint in the world. All what was mentioned is my problems and most of the local people problems.

There are so many solutions that can help to decrease my carbon footprint, the first solution is to depend in our food at a locally grown food and seasonally food in order to decrease the carbon emission that produced from shipping. The other solution is traveling by bus or other clean vehicle, and that is impossible without getting support from the government, busses should run by gas or hybrid engines not at diesel.

In conclusion, if one tried to do something he will not affect the whole society, we should join together and do some solutions to our life style.

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