Monday, March 10, 2008

strong like its mountains

"The land of milk and honey" that what's said about Lebanon in the bible. Lebanon has borders with four countries which are: Jordan, Syria, Israel and Cyprus. The capital of it is Beirut, the undead land and Paris of the east. Lebanese are known with their multiculturalism such as the famous singer shakira is half Lebanese.

Modern history
In 1943 Lebanon got its dependency from France and at that time the Christians were holding and controlling the country while the Muslims have no word. Till 1948 the tension increased between them. In 1975, the tension reach its peak when a group of Christians "The Phalange" attacked a bus full of Palestinians in Beirut and then the revenge killing begin. In 1982, Israel attacked the Palestinians Liberation Organization (PLO) and as a reaction they defense for their land then Israel throw bombs over them and invaded west Beirut. The peace showed up at 1989, but as a result of this conflict about 175,000 people were died, 300,000 were injured and nearly quarter of the population immigrated to other countries. Moreover, the economy of Lebanon was frozen.

Lebanon now
Unfortunately, the undead city can recover its economy by being a famous tourism city. Also there are a lot of things that the tourist can be interested in, such as: the history and culture of Lebanon, the beach in summer and snowboarding in winter, bars, belly dancers and nightlife. But the war traces still exist and some people are suffering from it. The life had became harder and very expensive, also most of the young people went away so there are few people to rebuild this country again, and there are a lot of traffic on the streets and that what cause the high rate of pollution.

"Eye on Lebanon." Spring 2006. 10 Mar. 2008

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