Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The World Diamond Trade

Diamonds are the most precious stones in the world. Have you ever though of how they get from the earth to your fiancé's finger? I will now describe important locations along the trade route these most valuable of rocks pass.

De Beers, the biggest diamond mining company in the world, they are most mine in south Africa, and they trade and control tow thirds of world's rough diamonds. In advantage of that they can control the price by limiting amount supplied. Diamonds was first discovered in India before 3000 years ago, now 90% of the rough diamond are cut and polished there because of their cheap labor which is 40 cent per gem. Antwerp in Belgium was the diamond center for 600 years, 80% of rough diamonds pass throw the city, today 1500 polishers and cutters are left in the city and the Indians are the most associated with the diamonds trade in Antwerp. Tel Aviv is also participating in the position of trading diamonds with Antwerp now. A new growing city in diamonds trading is Dubai, the government is trying to attract diamonds traders to the city. Now, this business worth 1billion pounds in this small city.