Thursday, June 5, 2008

In order to be a cool city

Global warming is getting worse and governments must set some rules and find some solutions to stop the people from producing more carbon emissions and reducing their footprints. One of the solutions that could be done to help this issue is to build green cities that use sustainable substances and clean power source such as: Masdar city. But what about our current cities? will they keep on polluting our environment ??. We could also change our current cities to cool cities, which means a city that cares about environment and trying to reduce its carbon emissions.

In order to be a cool city, there are some steps that should be followed and they will benefit in reducing global warming rates and prevent high rates of pollution. First of all, we should not depend on one power source, there are several new power generators that works by natural substances such as: wind and water turbines, solar systems and recycling used energy. Moreover, to reduce our electricity consuming, our buildings should be more efficient and proportional with the surrounding nature to help in the prevention of entering cold and heat, and closing all the leakage areas to stop wasting energy.

Furthermore, changing the light bulbs to saving power and efficient light bulbs can do a huge difference in reducing pollution because it's using one quarter of energy used in the old bulbs, and by that simple change you can save 40% of electricity used in lightening. And now you can imagine the difference in being a cool city if the governments change the whole light bulbs in the city.

The technology also can help in this issue, we can use emails as an alternative of using mail boxes, even transporting paper letters from country to another is causing pollution, another thing is to pay bills online instead of polluting by going there, and that is easier and cleaner. Also we can read newspaper and magazines online without wasting papers and cutting trees. And set the courses online for people who live in far away places and that should be easier to them and cleaner to the environment.

The last thing that could be done to is helping our nature is to recycling everything we can. And by this way we can save energy of producing new stuff and reuse the old thing instead of throwing it. There are a lot of new technologies in recycling process but unfortunately they are ignored and no one is using these technologies. Not only the energy that can be recycled, we can recycle glass, papers and even cloths and some home stuff.

In conclusion, I wanted to say that all these solutions can be done in any city wherever it was and no matter how they are, even in Abu Dhabi, if people have the will and are aiming to do a difference they can do something for their earth and the next generation.,28757,1602354,00.html